NOTE: To prevent any abuse or misuse, you will need to complete a quick survey for some downloads means not all. I know it's kinda annoying, but it's the least you can do. It takes 20-30secs to complete the surveys. It took days for me to make and compile this tools.

Crack Senuke XCR

Crack Senuke XCR

SenukeXCr Version 3.0.60 Release, Released 1/26/2013
Added 11 Social Network sites
Added 62 Web Profile sites
Added support for checking domain availability for keywords in Niche Research
Fixed success rates for PDF, Gllgle Places and Social Networking.
Plus the usual minor fixes and removals.
Based off changeset #5005

Kelly Clarkson - Stronger [Deluxe Edition]

Kelly Clarkson - Stronger [Deluxe Edition]

Kelly Clarkson - Stronger
Genre: Pop, Rock
Released: October 21, 2011

01. Mr. Know It All (3:53)
02. Stronger (3:42)
03. Dark Side (3:45)
04. Honestly (3:36)
05. You Love Me (4:04)
06. Einstein - Clarkson, Kelly / Toby Gad (2:59)
07. Standing In Front Of You (3:59)
08. I Forgive You (3:04)
09. Hello (3:00)
10. The War Is Over - Clarkson, Kelly / Toby Gad (3:57)
11. Let Me Down - Clarkson, Kelly / Destefano, Chris (3:24)
12. You Can t Win (4:20)
13. Breaking Your Own Heart (3:49)
14. Don t You Wanna Stay (with Jason Aldean)(4:20)
15. Alone (3:01)
16. Don t Be A Girl About It (3:27)
17. The Sun Will Rise (3:33)

Tetris hack Using Piaips restaurant city 2012

Tetris Battle in Facebook is basically an adventure-style tetris in which the more opponents you beat the higher your level becomes and the more notoriety you gain on the Tetris Battle universe.

I've tried playing Tetris Battle. I found it easy rising to higher levels but quite difficult going past better-experienced opponents, especially against Chinese players. Some players out there might be experiencing the same thing as me so I thought of posting about Tetris Battle cheats, hacks and bots for Facebook. Just scroll down below and read the cheats.

etris Battle Cheats, Hacks and Bots for Facebook

Tetris Battle Auto Rank Cheat NEW!

Tetris Battle player and coder DEATH88 recently released his Tetris Battle Auto Rank cheat a few days ago. What this Tetris Battle cheat does is change your rank and stars into whatever number you desire. What's good is, all of these are currently savable. Just proceed below and learn the cheat.

Status: Working as of August 2012

Charles Proxy
Google Chrome
Latest version of Java
Tetris Battle account


Diablo 3  Download For Free + Keygen or Serial Key included

Download Diablo 3 Trainer and Keygen Free Download

How it works:
- Select in This Tool “Diablo 3 Cd Key” tab then click on “Generate” button. When You have Your Key Paste it to the CD-Key Options. (When activation window appears)
- Then Select “Diablo 3 ” tab. Before you do this copy this tool to your installation game folder. Then click on the “Crack” button to crack your game. Wait for some time. When installation has finished, you’ll be asked to restart your computer. That’s all you need to do!
That’s all! Enjoy your cracked game!
Download File Diablo 3 Game Keygen and Crack Download

Hidden Chronicles Facebook Cheat v2.0

Hidden Chronicles Facebook Cheat v2.0

Hidden Chronicles Facebook Cheat v1.3 – Features:

Coins Hack
Cash Cheat
Unlimited Energy
Works perfect Globally! No matter where you are.
Works on ALL internet browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera…etc)
Undetectable (100% GUARANTEE).
Tested on daily basis to ensure it’s functionality.
Easy to use. Simply click hack and you are done.
If the hack is patched, UPDATE will be done within 24 hours
Hidden Chronicles Facebook Cheat v1.3 – How to Download:

1.Download Hidden Chronicles Cheats V2.0.rar
2.Select "Regular Download". Fill-out a short survey which takes 30 secs - 1 min
3.Download and run Hidden Chronicles Cheats V2.0
4.Enter the Stats or Amount you want to add
5.Click Generate and wait until finish hacking
6.Refresh your browser and then you will see the results
7.Enjoy & Have Fun

The Sims Social ULTIMATE Cheat Engine


The Sims Social Ultimate Cheat Engine V.2.0.5 Build is currently working as of October 6, 2011. This Tool generates SimCash, Simoleans, Social Points and even Energy up to any amount you wish. Screenshots are provided below. 

Tutorial on how to use:

1.Download Sims-Social-Ultimate-Cheat-Engine-V.2.0.5.rar
2.Select "Regular Download". Fill-out a short survey which takes 30 secs - 1 min
3.Download and run Sims Social Ultimate Cheat Engine V.2.0.5
4.Enter the Stats or Amount you want to add
5.Click Generate and wait until finish hacking
6.Refresh your browser and then you will see the results
7.Enjoy & Have Fun

Dota 2 Beta Key


The Official DotaA 2 tournament has been started on 17th of August, in the mean time Valve Released DotaA 2 for Public and it is free to download its Installer. The Installer which has been out by Valve is just like the League of Legends. DOTA 2 is one of the biggest game ever released after HON and LOL.There are many new features added to DOTA 2.New Heroes, New spells, New items and many other things.Especially the gameplay also changed.Graphics of DOTA 2 are totally Obsolete.We had no experience that this game gonna be epic.

Screenshots of Installer